Its so easy to postpone your family photos, but here are some common excuses I hear, and why I respectfully disagree!
- I’m not photogenic
I hear this all the time moms! This is probably the #1 excuse, and there is nothing farther from the truth! I have lots of tricks up my sleeve to not only make you look great, but you will find the experience itself will be fun and you will look absolutely stunning! Family photos is all about capturing and preserving moments of you playing with your kids, and documenting all of their special milestones!

2. My husband thinks its a waste of time and money.
Although I do have a ton of great dads who reach out for a session, most often its the moms. Mostly that is becuase dad’s just arent huge fans of being photographed. My best advice is to approach it as a night out with time spent with the family! And this is so true! Although we will do posed photos with the kiddos, we will also do tickling, snuggling, piggy back rides, and all the fun stuff dads are really good at!
3. My kids won’t cooperate
I have five kiddos myself, so I am aware just how crazy and stubborn they can be! But I like to approach each session as meeting a new buddy and having fun! I am super easy going, and incredibly patient, and know that sometimes kids just need a moment! In fact, we might have just a full on melt down, and that’s ok! My goal is to capture your kiddos personality, smiles, laughter, meltdowns, stubborn faces and all!

4. I don’t know what to wear
I like to guide my clients on fun outfit combos, but you do not have to have the perfect Pinterest styled outfits! I will help you and give you some tips on what photographs best, but you are more than welcome to show up wearing your favorite comfortable clothes! Don’t stress out too much on outfits, because you are going to look stunning no matter what you wear! It is all about the experience, the tickling, the laughter.
5. It’s not time for holiday photos yet
Although the holidays can create a perfect push to get you to get your photos done, photos are not JUST for holiday cards! I believe that documenting your family should me all about the love you and your family has for each other for YOUR sake, and not for somebody else’s. These are moments that pass us by too fast, so don’t let holiday cards be the only reason to schedule your session!

6. I am just too busy
The moral of the story is, there is never going to be a perfect time. You don’t have to plan out every single detail to have an awesome session, just carving away an hour for me to come spend time documenting your family interaction, and I will take care of the rest! The reality however, is we will usually need less time than you think. Kids have a limited amount of energy and attention so I work pretty fast to make sure we get those important photos!
7. I don’t know how to pose
My job is to help you pose and set your family up in flattering ways and give you tips before and during your session to help you look your absolute best!

8. I’ll do it after I lose some weight
I always tell my clients that your kids don’t care about the few extra pounds, and everyone has a few extra pounds here and there! What they are going to remember is the love, fun, and experience and all the wonderful memories and bonds created! I like to remind my clients how they feel when they look at family photos they had as a child. Are you fixated on what your mom looked at? Her frizzy hair or double chin? Probably not. What you remember is the love that was shared between the two of you and the memories!

9. My family isn’t complete
Some people simply think that they will just wait until they have had their last baby to get family photos. Respectfully, I think it is important to have family photos after each child, because your child will appreciate seeing what it was like before siblings, and your soon to be kids will enjoy seeing what life was like before the family was complete! Lets capture all of those moments and memories along the way!

10. If I don’t like them, I will have wasted money
My first and foremost goal is for us to create something that you will love and cherish forever, and I will go above and beyond to make it happen. I spend on average 10-15 hours per session from the beginning to the end. If it isn’t the best you hoped for, I will try again until you are happy!