We all know that family photos can be a tad bit stressful, but with these tips and tricks and the right preparation, we can avoid some of that stress!

- Feel the Love!
The reason behind your photoshoot is likely fueled by the love for your family! In the end, it won’t be the clothes you wore or where the pictures took place, or even what you looked like or how much you weight. It’s all about capturing the love and snuggling. The playing and laughing. These photos are all about giving your children memories 20 years down the road so they can relive those moments in time.

2. Don’t over do it
Nothing spoils a child’s good mood (or even dads) faster than too many clothing changes, too many locations, or too many props. I know that we get caught up easily in those pinterest boards, but those best photos happen spontaneously. Try to avoid coming with a checklist, and just let the photos happen! You will be surprised to find that when you get your photos back, you will forget the checklist because you will have more than you thought!

3. Arrive Early
Plan to arrive early at your session to make last minute clothing adjustments, cleaning up kiddos faces, etc. It will also help you feel less rushed! The plan we pick is very specific for lighting reasons, so making sure you are there early will ensure you are ready to go at our scheduled time. On a side note, if you are rushed and running late, kiddos and even dad can feel that tension and it can set a negative vibe from the start.

4. Just go with the flow
I have seen my fair share of melt-downs, and having five kiddos of my own I have experienced my fair share as well! Don’t be upset with your kiddos if they are “misbehaving” or not cooperating. Let me interact with them naturally, you would be surprised that I am probably getting more photos than you think! And as a side note, sometimes the temper tantrum ends up being the photo you cherish for years to come!

5. Plan your Outfits
We all do it, we shop for the perfect family outfit, and the day of the shoot we realize our kiddo grew 2 inches or something has a hole in it. Planning your outfits well in advance will help you avoid the unnecessary stress. Make sure everything is washed and ironed well in advance of your photo shoot.

6. Clear your Schedule
It’s not always feasible to do so, but if you are able try to take work off or leave a little early and don’t schedule any activities for the kids. It really does help to save your energy for the photo shoot, and plus, when moms, dads, and kids are tired, they tend to be a little bit more cranky!

7. Come well rested and fed
I think we all know what our toddlers (and dads) act like when they are hangry, so make sure they are well-fed before the photo shoot and that they slept well. It is a great idea to bring snacks just in case, but don’t tell your kiddos about them unless absolutely necessary. I like to use snacks as a last minute resort, sometimes kiddos can become fixated on them if they know they are there!

8. Interact Playfully with your Kiddos
The best smiles come from kids who are genuinely happy! Share kisses, tell each other secrets, give them some hugs, nuzzle noses. Laugh and joke, bring up moments and things in their lives that make them laugh or bring out pure happiness for them. Kids really can sense tension, so if they feel that you are frustrated with their behavior or that you are trying to push them, they will likely start to break down.

9. Keep Dad on Board:
Let’s face it, most dads (not all) just show up to the photo shoot because they are told to. They are also the most eager to get it over with, and sometimes can be the most impatient (it’s a fact 😂) So make sure you get them on board with all these tips and tricks so everyone can be on the same page. Read the tips and tricks out loud before the session so they can also help set the mood for the shoot (Maybe leave tip number 9 out 😂)

10. Be Prepared with All the Things!
Here is a checklist of things you might need:
- Something to sit on
- Backup clothing
- Lint Roller
- A Snack or Bribe
- Food / Water
- A favorite toy or blankie
- Comfy walking shoes
- Lipstick / Hairbrush
And there you have it! Hopefully this helps you prepare for a meltdown-free session!